Freemantles Primary


As with all Special School places admissions to the school are handled directly through the Surrey County Council Education Department Area Office and you should contact them in the first instance on 01483 518110.

Parents are welcome to visit the school informally to meet staff and have a tour of the school. This is so that you can assess how you feel about what we are working to achieve and see our facilities. 

Booking links can be found at the bottom of this page.

We do ask parents not to bring their child who is a potential pupil or any siblings during the tour as we may take you into classrooms, and we would like to avoid any confusion for your children and the children in the classes.

If appropriate, the Area Office will allocate a Case Officer and send formal papers to the school. If the school is potentially able to offer a place we then arrange for a formal visit either to see your child in their current educational setting or allowing time in a Freemantles class for your son or daughter, this enables us to make a brief assessment as to their suitability for the school and the existing cohort.

If the school has no spaces in the cohort we will usually respond according to the paperwork, as an assessment would raise potential hopes. We respond to the Area Office as to whether we can meet their Special Educational Needs and whether we have a space within that class group. It is then the Local Authority, not the school that offers the place to you.

Because of the nature of the needs of potential pupils and the fact that they are unable to wait for placement to become available, neither the school nor the local authority run a waiting list. If a space becomes available all pupils who would potentially be appropriate for the school in that year group, who were looking for a place at that time, would be considered.




Primary Tour


Secondary & FE Tour