maths in the primary school
Maths is taught through discrete lessons and also across the school day through cross curricular links. We recognise the importance of ensuring all pupils are supported to develop their mathematical skills in the six key areas of early mathematics, learning to support their progress in maths and beyond.
- Cardinality and counting
- Comparison
- Composition
- Pattern
- Shape and Space
- Measures
(National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics, 2018)
Birth to 5 Matters guidance is used from EYFS and may be applicable for some pupils throughout KS1 and KS2. We use the Equals Scheme and White Rose Scheme to ensure progression across the Maths curriculum for each individual pupil. For our pupils a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach to aid the teaching of Maths is vital in the foundations of Maths learning. We use Numicon apparatus to help pupils explore and understand mathematical concepts. We are delighted to be taking part in the Maths Mastery Readiness programme and SEND Maths Network with the NEHS Maths Hub.
Please see our Maths focus for each half term. This overview ensures all areas of Mathematics are covered across the academic year.