Freemantles Primary


EYFS & Primary Curriculum

Our aim is to provide the children with a stimulating and ambitious curriculum. This curriculum engages the children to progress in both academic and personal development knowledge and skills, equipping them for the next phase of their learning journey.

We strive to challenge each individual to develop their own skills, building confidence and self-esteem. Each pupil will be supported to achieve their IEPs linked to EHCP outcomes across the following areas:

    •       Communication 
    •       Cognition and Learning  
    •       Social Emotional and Mental Health  
    •       Physical and Sensory 

The Primary School prioritises the Emotional Wellbeing of the children above all else, to create the best environment for learning and to maximise progress. We strive to embed our school values within daily life, celebrating when children and staff have demonstrated them, using our own star reward system.

 Through our broad curriculum we promote; 

  •       Independence and life skills  
  •       Communication skills 
  •       Good mental health  
  •       Problem solving skills  
  •       Social Understanding  
  •       Subject knowledge  
  •       Happiness  


Below is a visual representation of the Primary curriculum:


The Personal Development Curriculum is delivered at every opportunity making up and forming a large part of what we deliver throughout the school day. Functional communication skills are embedded within daily practice and supported by the use of the Picture Exchange Communication System where appropriate. The pupils have regular opportunities to engage in self-regulation activities, and have access to additional spaces in school such as soft play or the sensory room. Pupils participate in daily relaxation sessions, promoting wellbeing and independence. PSHE (including RSE and social understanding) lessons are delivered weekly or as required for individual pupils through 1:1 or small group tutorials.

Pupils participate in discrete English and Maths lessons. Science is taught weekly and forms part of our cross curricular lesson carousel. The foundation subjects (Computing, Humanities and Creative Arts) are delivered in line with the half termly topic, where relevant, to ensure pupils experience a broad and balanced Curriculum. Functional ICT skills are developed across the curriculum, as appropriate for the individual pupil. Cross curricular lessons are delivered through practical activities, enabling pupils to have functional experiences of the subject. All pupils take part in weekly PE lessons as well as accessing movement breaks as required. We have adapted the Surrey Agreed Syllabus for statutory RE provision and dedicate themed days to religious celebrations and festivals throughout the academic year.

We work alongside our families to ensure each individual pupil is prepared and ready for KS3.


Early Years Curriculum

Reception classes follow a curriculum linked to the Early Years Foundation Stage and the 7 areas of learning. This curriculum is topic based and learning is led by the individual interests of the pupils with regular opportunities for outdoor learning and community learning visits. We use the Birth to 5 Matters guidance to track progress in the Early Years.   

We understand that every child has had a different journey and range of experiences before starting school. When children start their school journey with us, our priority is for them to feel safe and secure. We ensure that the staff teams working with them focus on building relationships and getting to know the children. We also believe in the importance of building relationships with parents and carers and we want to work together to support their child and build a partnership with them.

EYFS Curriculum Overview - Spring 1 2025Year R (Early Years) Long Term Plan


Below is a visual representation of the Early Years curriculum:

Key Stages 1 and 2 (Years 1 to 6)

KS1 & KS2 classes work through our Primary Curriculum 3 year rolling programme. This has been informed by the National Curriculum and is highly differentiated to meet the needs of our individual pupils. There are regular opportunities for pupils to consolidate and generalise their learning on weekly community learning visits. For example, visiting a local supermarket or woodland walk. Pupils will also experience swimming, sailing, horse riding and forest school.  

During  2024 - 2025 we will be working on cycle 2 of the Primary Curriculum.
Primary Curriculum Map



Please see below for a copy of our Spring Term One Primary Topic Overview.
Topic Overview Spring 1

For more information on any aspect of our curriculum, please contact the school office in order to discuss with the relevant Assistant Headteacher.