Freemantles Primary


Freemantles School was visited by Ofsted in November 2023 and judged to be an Outstanding school.

Parents praise the support they get to manage their child’s needs. Parents’ typical view is that ‘this school cares as much about our children as we do’.
Teachers and leaders understand pupils’ individual needs and interests extremely well.
Pupils' social and communication needs and their emotional well-being always come first.
The school offers many opportunities for pupils to become independent communicators. This helps them to be well prepared for their next steps in education.
Lessons are carefully structured to support pupils with positive learning behaviours. Staff are well trained to manage pupils so that lesson time remains focused.
The behaviours of a minority of pupils can sometimes be especially challenging. Where they are needed, well-prepared plans identify strategies that aim to de-escalate incidents.
Staff are proud to be part of the school.

To view the full Ofsted report, please Click here

Click below to see the results of the parents' questionnaire. Just click on 'Parents View Results' and search for Freemantles School:

Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school